Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The Call: Choosing to go to Peru

--> Every one of us is going to give our lives to something, we just have to choose what that is.”

September 2011 I returned from a 4-month trip in Peru. I had had a great experience!! However, I terribly missed the girls, Paty, Joel and Nidia, and especially the kids. Culture shock was something that I didn’t understand UNTIL I went through it that Fall. All my Peruvian friends wished I would return, but was returning to Peru something that God wanted me to do? A year ago today I was deciding what my next steps were… return to Peru? Do a Masters of Social Work? Move to B.C.? Travel? Teach english overseas? The list was endless!

After talking with a close friend when I returned, I gave myself 6 months before making a decision. I wanted to make a decision with God’s direction rather than solely on emotion, my own desires and the wishes of others.

So, four months went by and it was the New Year of 2012. On January 8th, 2012 the pastor of my church did a sermon called “The Year of Living Dangerously.” The main message of his talk said that whatever I hitch my wagon to will determine what happens to the things most important to me.  Very true! But what really resonated with me was that I could choose to live two different lives…

… one where I go through the MOTIONS… in other words one of safety, security, protection, that is bland, boring, empty and futile.

… or one that is DANGEROUS… in other words, one that is determined, daring, impacting, courageous, radical, risk-taking, and bold.

After 4 months of feeling crappy and feeling as though I was living a life in the motions I felt this was finally a sermon that I resonated with. Half way through the service I thought, “Okay God I get it.” BUT He wanted to HIT IT HOME!

At the end of the service, a video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zfXgCx3f_1c) was played with Katie Davis, a 21-year-old who has given her LIFE to orphans in Africa. Katie is feeding and caring for thousands, and raising children on her own… 14 children to be exact!

“Jesus does not ASK that we care for the less fortunate, he DEMANDS it. When calling ourselves Christ-Followers caring for the orphaned and the desolate and the widow are not an option; it’s a REQUIREMENT.”

~Katie Davis

I cried the entire video. (Glad no one was in my row! Hahah)

THEN they had a song sung called “The Motions.” A song that, for the past year, was in my TOP 5! ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUg9qE_KjLg )

OK GOD! GOT IT! You want me to go back… BUT I didn’t want it to be coincidence. So I prayed the prayer… God here I am, fully submitted and fully available to you. Change me in radical ways. Focus me on what you want me to do. Align my priorities with your desires. Use me like you’ve never used me before.

For the month of January, each Sunday I heard about Vision and every week, I couldn’t get Peru out of my mind. The first message in the series was called "VISION QUEST: Discovering a Personal Vision." God wanted to drill it in! 

"Where there is no vision, the people perish." Proverbs 29:18 (KJV)

"If people can’t see what God is doing, they stumble all over themselves. But when they attend to to what He reveals, they are most blessed."

- Proverbs 29:18 (The Message) 

"When there is no clear purpose or vision (relationship with others, how we do our work, money, looking after our physical health, other areas of our lives, etc.), if we have no vision and direction then life becomes a series of random events and choices, and short-sited pursuits, where we simply respond to and in the moment... We get caught up in the flow of reactionary living: life happens and we react.  We become slave to our circumstances, choices of others, to the randomness of life and we get to the end of our lives and life can be filled with regret because there is no real accomplishment/achievement in life and now and until then it can be a meaningless life, and continue to go through the motions. But that's not what God wants. God wants you and I to live a life with a clear vision of where life is headed. He wants us to live a vision- and purpose-driven life." ~Pastor Dave Ralph

God wants me to have purpose, not simply a life that is nothing more than random events, stringed together. 

I purchased Katie’s book (I love to read and am a book-a-holic… so this was a give in!). It turns out the book was a MASSIVE encouragement to me, demonstrating that in small steps of obedience to God, He can create something more extraordinary than I could have ever imagined. The story started for Katie with one open door of going to a third-world country at the age of 17. Katie said yes, and then God placed needs in front of her, and all she tries to do is meet them in the best way she can. VERY inspirational!

Every year I feel more and more of a heart for the abandoned, mistreated, and orphaned children of this world. God had shown me that God has been aligning my priorities with His.  But it is MY CHOICE to be fully available and submitted to Him. How much MORE available could I be?? NO kids, NO partner, NO house… no problem! (haha a.k.a. no excuses) I knew that God wanted me to make that choice. He has been easing me into it for a while now. I knew I’d be provided for if I went… after all, He’d proven Himself trustworthy before. SO! What was holding me back?? I made the decision February 1st, 2011 to head back.

(I would encourage people to follow their hearts, gifts, and passions, and try to serve others one step at a time, whoever is in front of them. As you meet the needs right in front of you, he can build something different than we ever would have thought or planned.)

2012 was a year of pruning and growing for me. Working in an emergency shelter for at-risk youth was more like HACKING then pruning, but definitely worth it! The growth in my experience, patience and increased closeness with my family was definitely worth it!

Many have asked, “Are you getting excited?” Honestly… I am scared poopless! Hahah I have never been so NOT in control of what will happen next. SO EXCITING!!! I have an idea of what will happen and what I will be doing while in Peru, but like last year, God will have some surprises. And after the year is done? NO CLUE!! If you know me well… this is UNUSAL! hahah So, my fear is a good fear. It’s an all or nothing deal… like a zipline… I can’t HALF jump… I either jump or I don’t… Choosing not to jump would be safe and comfortable. But JUMPING! Now that’s BOLD, COURAGEOUS and DARING. It’s CHOOSING to put my life in God’s hand and saying, “Do what you’d like.” God is calling me to live a life that is dangerous, not to live a life of spiritual motions… so why NOT jump???


3 Days and counting!

Monday, December 24, 2012

December 2012 Newsletter

My soon-to-be home for the next year! Girls’ rooms are closest on the right hand side, then the kitchen and Dining Area. Paty, Joel and family’s home is on the left and right beside them will be my room (Where the white van is)

…11 Days Until Departure!...

This past year, I have to confess, has been one of the hardest! I experienced extreme lows, isolation and loneliness like never before. And to top it all off I was working 2 jobs (60 hours a week) WITH shift work. It really did a toll! I am glad that it is over! After lots of preparation, and Spanish-learning, I am finally just days away from my trip! My goal for the year was to raise $15,000 for this upcoming year’s costs and I am SO HAPPY to say that: 1.God can SO be trusted because (of course!) 2. I have received all my funding :) Thank you everyone who has put forth support, financial or otherwise, for this trip. I could not have gone without you! I truly believe mission work is a collective effort of a community, and I am so excited to SHARE God’s story, and work, in Peru with you all! I hope you will all follow my blog (rachelmaesmith.blogspot.ca) and my newsletters!
I have yet to experience rainy season in a rainforest. Last time I was in Peru was May- August 2011 when rain came every couple of weeks. BUT! I have my rain boots and a semi- heavy duty rain jacket and am prepared to endure heavy rains for warm temperatures! :)
Jesica – 17 years old
Last night one of the girl’s from the home, Jesica, graduated from high school. Next she will be moving on to career classes! This is one of the only girl’s left at the refuge that I built a relationship with last year. Last night, through text, I was able to tell her how proud I am of her! Another girl has graduated into university and 2 others are now working in the city. I am so excited to be able to be a part of such a life-changing ministry!
A note on the culture: The invitations said 7pm, and it didn't start until 9:30, which meant that dinner would be served at midnight!
Paty & Joel Labajos…
These extremely compassionate and lovely folks are the couple who run the home down in Peru and whom I will be working with and helping during my time there. This is their second girl’s refuge, which they have been involved in, and they do a great job at it! They have 3 children: Samuel 9, Cesar, 7, and Deborah, 2 (almost 3!). Both have been Christians their whole lives and grew up in Christian families. I won’t divulge too much... that’s for another newsletter.
When I’m There... These last couple months of preparation, I have been discussing with the missionaries in Peru, Paty and Joel, and the iProjects Board what my job description will look like when I’m there. As per usual, I am sure that God will use me in more ways than what I can come up with, but this is a good start:
MENTOR – For a young lady named Nidia who is 22-years- old. She works at the home, and has a 7-year-old boy.
RECOVERY – The girls at the refuge have been in abusive and traumatic situations, and are in need of healing
TUTOR – All the girls are doing their studies through alternative education. During the week they will be studying at home
“He comes alongside us when we go through hard times, and before you know it, he brings us alongside someone else who is going through hard times so that we can be there for that person just as God was there for us.” ~I Corinthians 1:4
My Flight Trip Details…
January 4th, 2013
In a mere 11 days I will be departing from Toronto, Ontario at 9:45AM and heading to San Salvador, El Salvador for arrival at 2:00PM. From there I change planes and leave at 3:03PM for a 5.5 hour flight to Lima, Peru. At this point I have a 12-hour layover... yah (can you hear my enthusiasm!? LOL) Finally, I depart from Lima on an “airbus” at 8:45AM. It stops in Cusco, Peru to let people off and on and then lifts off again to travel to PUERTO MALDONADO! After just over 24 hours I will be in Puerto Maldonado!
I will miss you all! Please keep in touch.


 “And I think that's what our world is desperately in need of - lovers, people who are building deep, genuine relationships with fellow strugglers along the way, and who actually know the faces of the people behind the issues they are concerned about.”
~Shane Claiborne, Irresistible Revolution

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

May 17-May 29: New Experiences

1. Cold in a primarily super hot country... yes I KNOW I am cold all the time anyways... but for real.. it’s been cold here for the past week... I’ve needed pants and a sweater, especially at night!

2. Heavy rain all day (being stranded in a house with nothing to do for 10 hours due to the cold and rain for fear of sickness due to the combination of the two, and fear of DEATH on the slick roads that are created with heavy rains, no cement, and roads made primarily of clay.

3. Being attacked by angry ants who just had their home ransacked by Joel (who was making a garden for the home)

4. The world’s biggest rodent lives in Peru... just last week it was apparently on the house grounds during the night and the three dogs who reside here were trying to kill it. Finally, as I have heard, Joel have to get a massive rock and smash it’s head and it ran away. Thankfully, I could only hear the whole thing... I think a giant rodent would not be a very pleasant experience hahahah

5. MASSIVE bugs! For all of you to imagine... my example comes of course from a kids movie, Bugs... there is a beetle in it that is a ¨fat¨beetle... and can´t fly very fast... well that beetle ACTUALLY exists! hahaha... I witnessed the bug fly at like  -1 kilometers per hour... crash into a column of the house... then change directions and crash into the column beside it... change direction again and crash into the wall and fall upside down on the ground!!! LMAO! I had no idea what is was... it just looked like a flying black ball and it went so slow we could have played baseball with it!

About Me...

1. I am beginning to learn the girl’s stories and events from which they have built their character. The first small group for Celebrate Recovery started this past Saturday, and from what I saw, I think it’s going to a be a big blessing for not only the girls here at the home, but also for Patti and Joel as a resource to help the girls through what their past hurts and current habits and hang ups. Talking with Patti, I have also learned that other homes (“Casa Hogar” in Spanish) are not well run and are nothing like the loving, nurturing and caring environment that Patti and Joel provide in this home. A few of the girls have experienced such homes previously, and have said that they for instance were only invited out of their rooms to eat, it was nothing like a family but more like an institution. The children don’t go to school, nor, I imagine, would they be able to grow mentally, emotionally or physically in such a place. This home in Puerto Maldonado, Peru is very needed and very unique. (To find out more about the home and how you can help support what’s going on here go to www.iprojects.ca).

2. I am anxiously awaiting the team from my Young Adults group that arrives on June 9th. During the past month I have been preparing (with much help from Joel) for their arrival and the ministry opportunities that they will be participating in. The main mission is to continue construction on this girl’s refuge. The goal for this year is to finish the west side of the building. This would allow Patti and Joel and family to finally have space to relax and recharge for their many responsibilities without the constant interruption of the girls. It also will allow 10 more girls to move into the home, a very large expansion! The group will be completing the block work for the west side. Fun fun!  In addition, plans for going upriver, for a Christian style fiesta day at the local water park free for families, a pastor’s unity-themed breakfast, and much more are planned. Being in town every night will allow me to update more often... so look for more updates coming soon in the next few weeks.