1. Cold in a primarily super hot country... yes I KNOW I am cold all the time anyways... but for real.. it’s been cold here for the past week... I’ve needed pants and a sweater, especially at night!
2. Heavy rain all day (being stranded in a house with nothing to do for 10 hours due to the cold and rain for fear of sickness due to the combination of the two, and fear of DEATH on the slick roads that are created with heavy rains, no cement, and roads made primarily of clay.
3. Being attacked by angry ants who just had their home ransacked by Joel (who was making a garden for the home)
4. The world’s biggest rodent lives in Peru... just last week it was apparently on the house grounds during the night and the three dogs who reside here were trying to kill it. Finally, as I have heard, Joel have to get a massive rock and smash it’s head and it ran away. Thankfully, I could only hear the whole thing... I think a giant rodent would not be a very pleasant experience hahahah
5. MASSIVE bugs! For all of you to imagine... my example comes of course from a kids movie, Bugs... there is a beetle in it that is a ¨fat¨beetle... and can´t fly very fast... well that beetle ACTUALLY exists! hahaha... I witnessed the bug fly at like -1 kilometers per hour... crash into a column of the house... then change directions and crash into the column beside it... change direction again and crash into the wall and fall upside down on the ground!!! LMAO! I had no idea what is was... it just looked like a flying black ball and it went so slow we could have played baseball with it!
About Me...
1. I am beginning to learn the girl’s stories and events from which they have built their character. The first small group for Celebrate Recovery started this past Saturday, and from what I saw, I think it’s going to a be a big blessing for not only the girls here at the home, but also for Patti and Joel as a resource to help the girls through what their past hurts and current habits and hang ups. Talking with Patti, I have also learned that other homes (“Casa Hogar” in Spanish) are not well run and are nothing like the loving, nurturing and caring environment that Patti and Joel provide in this home. A few of the girls have experienced such homes previously, and have said that they for instance were only invited out of their rooms to eat, it was nothing like a family but more like an institution. The children don’t go to school, nor, I imagine, would they be able to grow mentally, emotionally or physically in such a place. This home in Puerto Maldonado, Peru is very needed and very unique. (To find out more about the home and how you can help support what’s going on here go to www.iprojects.ca).
2. I am anxiously awaiting the team from my Young Adults group that arrives on June 9th. During the past month I have been preparing (with much help from Joel) for their arrival and the ministry opportunities that they will be participating in. The main mission is to continue construction on this girl’s refuge. The goal for this year is to finish the west side of the building. This would allow Patti and Joel and family to finally have space to relax and recharge for their many responsibilities without the constant interruption of the girls. It also will allow 10 more girls to move into the home, a very large expansion! The group will be completing the block work for the west side. Fun fun! In addition, plans for going upriver, for a Christian style fiesta day at the local water park free for families, a pastor’s unity-themed breakfast, and much more are planned. Being in town every night will allow me to update more often... so look for more updates coming soon in the next few weeks.